Curious Kendra (and Liam too!) Love Learning Time

learning out of the box

Polar Bears

on July 2, 2014

As part of our study of the continent of North America, the kids each picked a native animal to learn about. Liam chose polar bears, Kendra chose robins, but later decided that she wanted to learn about polar bears in addition. Today was supposed to be a really nice, not too hot, day, so we met up with friends for a trip to the zoo to see some polar bears up close! Well the weather was a LOT warmer than called for, so I really wanted to go swimming with the polar bears. 😉 One of the not-so-baby-anymore babies kept carrying around a ball and another toy, and doing backflops from a rock into the water. It was a lot of fun to watch!

Our new world map arrived this morning, so I just hung it on the wall in the schoolroom, which required a little redecorating, but it worked out well. I think we’ll need to find a different way to hang the map, but time will tell!

As we do our Build Your Library studies and learn about each continent and its native animals, we will add those labels to the map. Isn’t that fun?!